
If you don’t need source, the simplest way to install the TDDA library is to do a normal pip install:

pip install tdda

If you have multiple Python installations and want to ensure you use the right one, use:

python -m pip install tdda

replacing python with whatever you need to use to run your target version of Python.

If you want it installed for all users and don’t have write access to your Python’s site packages, you should change the permissions so that you can write it, or log in as a user who does have permission, or add sudo before the pip or python command.


Add --upgrade or -U after install in the commands above to upgrade an existing installation. This is a general pattern for pip:

pip install -U tdda


python -m pip install -U tdda

Source installation

The tdda project is hosted on Github at

If you want to do a source installation, that’s probably all you need to know, but:

git clone


git clone

is the command to get it.


python install

should install it.

Checking the installation

If all has gone well, you should be able to type:


and it will show you some help.

You should also be able to use:

>>> import tdda
>>> tdda.__version__

from your Python successfully.

Finally, you should be able to run the tests with no failures, like this for example:

cd tdda/tdda
Skipping Postgres tests (no driver library)
Skipping MySQL tests (no driver library)
Ran 213 tests in 18.421s

OK (skipped=15)

Some tests will be skipped (s) if you don’t have various libraries or haven’t (yet) told TDDA about any databases you might want to use.

Optional Installations for using Databases, Feather Files, Pandas

Extra libraries are required to access some of the constraint-generation and verification functionality, depending on the data sources that you wish to use.

  • pandas (required for CSV files and feather files)

  • feather-format (required for feather files)

  • pmmif (makes feather file reading and writing more robust)

  • pygresql (required for PostgreSQL database tables)

  • MySQL-python or mysqlclient or mysql-connector-python (required for MySQL database tables)

  • pymongo (required for MongoDB document collections)

These can be installed with (some/all of):

pip install pandas
pip install feather-format
pip install pmmif
pip install pygresql
pip install pymongo

and, for MySQL, one of:

pip install MySQL-python
pip install mysqlclient
pip install mysql-connector-python

To install feather-format on Windows, you will need to install cython as a prerequisite, which might also require you to install the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler for Python.